Tuesday, 14 April 2009

Peas Off...

I hate colouring in. I'm rubbish at it. That's why I always colour my cartoons on the computer: it makes the cartoon look more polished and the colours neater and more vivid. But I found myself far from my computer the other day and with only my pen and pencils, so I had to put them to use in coming up with this. I sketched it out, went over it in ink and then quickly, very quickly, coloured it in just to get the feel of it rather than make it look good.


Editor Cassandra said...

Those peas are so stinkin' cute! I think it has something to do with their mouths.

Christopher said...

I love the colouring dude...

I think the fact that it's hand-coloured adds to the effect of the flames and the heat! :)