Batman, at the Gotham Police department Christmas party...
With December (and Christmas) nary a reindeer's leap away, the office party season is slowly beginning. I can't imagine the Gotham City Police dept. has a great knees-up, especially if Batman drops by for a quick drink. They're having to deal with all the low-level crimes and he swans in after being dropped off in his Batmobile/Batsub/Batplane/Batcopter/Bathysphere/Batcycle/Batrocket/Batwhale (all those vehicles have appeared in the comics by the way - I especially like the Batwhale). For a Gotham police officer, having a chat with Batman about crime-prevention must be like talking to an old school friend who's become ridiculously successful - every story you tell will pale in comparison to his. "I arrested a man for assault today." "Oh really? Yeah that's cool. I stopped Mr. Freeze from turning all of Gotham into an icy wasteland. And then I had dinner with Wonder Woman."
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