"When Dinosaurs Ruled The Moon..."
Before I had the general idea for 'Too Close For Comfort' as a cartoon series, I just drew random sketches that made me (and on a good day other people) smile. This was the first one I ever did, literally, THIS is it. You're looking at a piece of the past here people. I've never re-drawn it or altered it since because to me its perfect: the dopey look on that diplodocus, the cynical stare of the T-Rex, the fact they're both wearing space helmets, heck I even love the moon craters.
And the joke?
Well if you've never heard of the film (or indeed the slogan) 'When Dinosaurs Ruled the Earth', leave now and go and look at some other pretty cartoons I've drawn. Anyway, I took that slogan, changed the Earth to the Moon, and put the dinos in space helmets. Funny? Well it tends to split people down the middle - like Marmite they either love it or just don't get it (Hate is a very strong word).
Anyway, let me know what you think? Find it funny? Or not? As ever, stick your comments in the box below...
Haha, love it! Can I swipe the picture and use it as my desktop?
And no wonder they're extinct, they have to oxygen packs!
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